... I Just Don't Feel Like Growing Up

If you've ever thought about packing up the car and taking off for places you've never seen, well, you can do it! Of course, this involves quitting your job, moving to another state and living off of your savings (and answering your parents' questions on "When exactly do you plan on growing up?") but it's healthier than trying out for Survivor and less likely to give you a transmissible disease than sleeping with a 21 year old unemployed musician (mmm... drummers). Anyway, this blog is about my upcoming Western States/Parks road trip in May 2011. If you have input, insight, advice, or have an extra couch and washer/dryer which you would enjoy being occupied by a smelly, semi-homeless 37 year old woman, then I'd like to hear from you!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Day 15 - Yosemite

Elevation = 3000ft, up to 4000ft at Mirror Lake
Miles hiked = ~12mi
Song of the Day = "Paradise City" by Guns n' Roses

I leave the campground early, and arrive at the Visitor's Center before 8:00. It doesn't even open until 9AM, so I decide to fill the morning with a hike and come back later. Feeling better, I leave my car in the parking lot (no reason to drive - there are plenty of shuttle buses), and begin the Valley Floor loop. This heads along the floor of Yosemite Valley, following the Merced River, and you can take various side trips to see the sights. I am hooked. At this early hour, there is no one around (I am the 3rd car in the parking lot).

Upper Yosemite Falls

Lower Yosemite Falls

Cathedral Rocks
I won't say much - I will let the pictures speak for themselves.
Looking east along the valley floor

El Capitan

Half Dome

Brideveil Falls

Despite the popularity of this hike, there are incredibly few people on the trail. The north side of the loop meanders along the river - amazing view, incredible meadows, unfortunately a bit of mud to muck through. The south side is rockier, has a bunch of streams to ford (I love you Merrel boots and your waterproofing), and is even more isolated. Because there is only so much space in the valley, you are within earshot of the road most of the time, but the scenery is so amazing that it doesn't matter. I do have one criticism... this is one of the worst sign-posted trails ever. I never actually see a sign that says "Valley Floor Loop" - most of the time it is called "Bridle Path", or there is no sign at all... just markers pointing to various other trail heads. I have to use my compass frequently to determine the right direction (got mad compass skillz, yo). But it's all good - it's an amazing (although rather long) hike - 13 miles total, of which I think I do 10 (although it's hard to tell). But it's an easy, level walk, more like a nice amble through the valley than a true hike.

Foot-sore, I return to the Visitor's Center. It's very nice - has a great display on the geology and history of the area - but it is PACKED. The parking lots are completely full. I stop at the car to refill on water, and at least 15 people ask me if they can have the spot. Huh. If the trails are so empty, where do all of these people go? I see high-maintenance-looking women in fur vests and high-heeled boots walking little dogs, people shopping in the market and sitting outside the restaurants. Where do they all go?

Vernal Falls, evidently. Almost the entire shuttle bus empties out here. I decide to skip it and head to Mirror Lake. The people who didn't get off at Vernal Falls get out here. Most people follow the paved path (2 miles round trip) to Mirror Lake. However, there is a side route along an unpaved trail off that is only 0.1mi longer. I get on that path and am alone again. Mirror Lake is very pretty, but the water is moving too fast to get the "mirror" effect of the cliffs behind it. No matter. It's somewhat crowded, but people are spread out and it's not too bad.
Lower Mirror Lake

Upper Mirror Lake

Me in front of Half Dome

Tired, I head back to the car and leave the park to head to San Francisco. If it's this crowded on a weekday in early May, what must it be like on a weekend in July? Still, I am happy that I went. I would like to go back and see more than just the valley floor. Someday.

And to make the day even better, I find the world's best taco truck. Tacos del Sol, in the parking lot of the Del Sol Mexican grocery store on Rt 120 in Oakdale. Delicious!

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